Paul Casper is available for speaking engagements .

Charge up your employees, your chamber members, your youth or senior care groups with a motivational presentation that is sure to spark up everyone’s zest for life.

When people are happier and feel better about themselves and the opportunities that life offers, they are more productive and are able to create better lives for themselves and for those around them.

Presentation subjects include Realizing How Great You Are, Discarding Limited Thinking, Recognizing Roadblocks to Happiness and How to Get Around Them, How to Start a Happiness Savings Account and What does “The Future You” Look Like.

Infinite Possibilities IP Certified Trainer

Paul completed the Infinite Possibilities Train the Trainer course in 2017 in Sante Fe. This unique course was developed by Hay House author Mike Dooley to expand the positive thoughts and actions he shares in his best-selling book “Infinite Possibilities”.


Paul’s book, Let’s Have a Great Day… Every Day, is all about raising your happiness to new levels. It is now available on Amazon in both Audiobook and Kindle e-book formats. It is also available in hardcover on our website and on

Create Your Happiest Life

The thoughts we choose each day become the fabric of our future, essentially determining our level of happiness in life. Be sure to choose only the best.

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