Every day we get up thinking of what we need, want or plan to do today. What if we added something to the mix of options? What if we consider “How can we brighten a life today?”

There are so many ways to do this and it doesn’t have to take a great deal of time, effort or money. What if you call or drop in on someone who isn’t expecting the attention today?

What if you bring a small gift and say “I was just thinking of you and wanted to see you?”

What if you ask someone, who might be all alone, to join you for lunch, dinner or just a cup of coffee? Might this brighten their day? It just might brighten yours too.

What if we all celebrated “Brighten a life day” each and every day? Just think of how that would feel. Just think of that kind act spreading and how it could change the world… and it all started with you.